So the party was yesterday and it was indeed a lot of fun lot's of kids lots of adults and lots of costumes. Some of the ones I really liked was the Paper Bag Princess, Dirty Laundry and one family came as Dora the Explorer, Boots, Diego and Swiper very cute. All the people were fun to hang out with although I was the odd one out I was the only Nanny to attend there was supposed to be another one come but I am not too sure what happened there, even the family thought she was coming oh well. Anyway the party was a blast and congrats to the hosts for doing such a great job. Can't wait until Christmas.
October 30, 2006
October 29, 2006
Halloween Time
Well it's almost that time of year again where all the cute little children dress up in scary costumes. Well maybe they don't all dress like scary creatures but they do have fun. I am actually going to a Halloween party today that the family I work for is having. I have decided to dress up as a Witch but I do have to say that finding a costume that is appropriate is quite hard to do. I did manage to get a hat from the Walmart but the dress part was the hard part. I found that a lot of the adults costumes or focused on adults parties if you know what I mean. So I ended up getting a Goth type outfit that to me could be used as a witch. I also got some fake eyelashes, press on nails and some nice long curly black hair. For this party the mother asked me to bake some cupcakes and Rice Krispie squares. Cup cakes no problem they were fast and easy (I was very tempting to eat one but didn't). The Rice Krispies were another story though. Knowing that this was going to be a Halloween party she wanted some spooky types of food and treats. So the Rice Krispies were not going to be square but instead in the shape of SPIDERS, like this one...
So I tried my best, I put the blue food colouring in (which made it green instead) and I started to form the spider shapes with my hands. The Rice Krispie mix got cooled faster than I could make them so I ended up making 3 before I lost all my patience with this and was totally frustrated. I put the rest of the mix in a pan and decided to make cookie cutter shapes with it. The mom laughed when I told her how well I did. I explained that I was not Martha and probably never will be (well maybe I could dress like her for Halloween next year). So I am off to the party and I will let you all know how much fun it was when I get back.
Let me know if any of you were able to make anything (besides squares) with Rice Krispies, or tell me about your horror stories with it. It'll make me feel better.
October 13, 2006
Well today is the scary Friday the Thirteenth, and for you all today I have done some research on some of the different superstitions out there. Some of them will be familiar and some may be new for you, as they were for me. I will start with some of the so called "bad luck" ones. Let me know if you've heard of some of these and if you know of any other ones too.
1. Friday the 13th is a bad day because apparently
- Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden on a Friday
- Noah's big flood started on a Friday
- Christ was crucified on a Friday
- 12 witches and 1 devil are usually present a Satanic ceremonies therefore Friday and 13 is a deadly combo.
2. You should never walk under a ladder because ladders make a triangle shape which is like the symbol of the Holy Trinity and walking through the Holy Trinity or a triangle is bad luck and you may be considered doing work with the devil.
3. "God Bless You" congratulates people who sneeze and expels evil from their bodies.
4. Don't spill salt because salt was precious and expensive in the middle ages. If it was spilled then you were to throw it over your left shoulder to get the evil spirits in the eye.
5. "Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home" it is considered bad luck to kill a ladybug because they represent the Virgin Mary.
6. Breaking mirrors gives you seven years bad luck.
7. Cover your mouth when you yawn because some evil spirits could enter through your mouth.
8. "Knock on Wood" it keeps the evil spirits that live in the wood from coming out to spoil your good fortune.
Now for some more pleasant/fun ones:
- If your nose itches it means that someone is thinking about you.
- If your left ear rings it means that someone is saying good things about you.
- If your right ear rings it means that someone is saying bad things about you.
- If your left hand itches it means that you are going to be rich.
- If your right hand itches it means that you are going to be poor.
Well I hope the evil spirits didn't find you on this Friday.
October 7, 2006
Hockey is Back
The 2006-2007 of Hockey has started already and tonight launches the first official Saturday Night of Hockey. I say that tonight is the official night because I know that CBC has already shown a Hockey Night in Canada game earlier this week (Toronto 6 Ottawa 0), but it's never the same without this man here. Don Cherry is one of the reasons I watch HNIC every Saturday night. I am always interested in hearing what he has to say next. He speaks his mind and is not afraid to. HNIC has been going on for 54 years and is still going on strong. It started with Foster Hewitt calling the play-by-play on the radio. Then he began broadcasting on the television. 19 years later Bob Cole took over when Hewitt's health was declining. Now we see Ron MacLean and Don Cherry discussing events and players on Coach's Corner. Bob Cole is still broadcasting the play-by-plays but in my opinion I am thinking that maybe he should pass the torch to another one. He has been here for 35 years and it is time. Tonight will be great game, but I guess it depends on which game you are watching, which game you are cheering for and where you live that will decide that. You see I cheer for the Toronto Maple Leafs (always have and always will), however I live in the Ottawa area and the Senators are playing tonight also, so CBC has decided that they will broadcast all these games regionally. Which means I could either watch the Sens game and catch Coach's Corner in the intermission or I could watch the Toronto game in French (they are playing Montreal) and hope to catch Coach's Corner. If you know me than you will know that I will be watching the Toronto game. French or English it is still just hockey. Go Leafs!
October 3, 2006
Happy Birthday
Today is Choo Choo's birthday. She turned three and is very excited about it. She has been telling everyone she sees that she is "not a baby". She doesn't need a stroller or a cart in the grocery store because she is a big girl now. We celebrated her birthday last night and she had a party with her friends on the weekend. She got lots of nice things that I get to play with also. So Happy Birthday Choo Choo. Don't grow up too fast ok?
October 1, 2006
The Waterhole
I have found this site on the internet that show a web cam focused on a waterhole in Africa. Actually it is called Nkorho Pan and is a natural water hole in Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve in South Africa. I found that Nkorho Pan is named after Nkorho bush Lodge which gets it's name from Shangaan derivative for the call of the yellow-billed hornbill, a common and unusual looking bird from the area. I am actually listening to it as we speak, and I can definetly hear these birds sing their lovely song all day long. This webcam is shown 24/7 so depending on the time when you listen you can hear and see different animals and at times during the day someone is there to focus on some of the activity they find interesting. At night all you can really hear is the bullfrogs and the crickets. Although I did manage to see an owl sitting by the edge of the waterhole looking all around. During the day I have seen a baboon and some antelope (mommies and babies). The family I work for showed this wonderful footage and they have it on their computer all during the day. There was one day when the Mom and I heard some strange noises which may have been a lion or a hyena catching their lunch it was a scary noise anyway but we couldn't see what was happening . The Mom and Dad enjoy it mainly because it reminds them of their time when they worked a year in Africa. I enjoy it because it takes me to a place I may not get a chance to visit and enjoy. You definetly need sound to take it all in the best you can.