You know that the summertime is on it's way when all you smell during the week is everyone's BBQ cooking hamburgers and steaks. I run Wednesday nights and this is all I can smell it doesn't help me with my running but it sure is mmmmm yummy. I walked up to the grocery store today and saw that there was a sale for corn on the cob, another of my summer favourites. So I picked some up for dinner tonight and I was so happy to have summer again. I look forward to all the special treats this season will bring and I hope to enjoy them as much as I can. What kind of summer treats are your favourites?
April 29, 2007
How Sweet It Is
April 26, 2007
NHL Playoffs Round 2

April 24, 2007
Which One?
I have written on here before about what type of a job I will be looking for in September. Well, I have sent out my resume and I am meeting with a Montessori school this week for an interview. Actually, it is the same Montessori that Choo Choo goes to and the teachers there all know me for about 3 years now. They have already told me that they would love to have me work for them. Yeah!
However before I got all this feedback from the school, the Docs I work for told me about the anesthetic guy who works in the hospital with them. His wife is due in June with their first child. She is not sure how long she will take off for maternity but I did meet with them and they are a lovely couple and I would love to work with them too. They also told me that it wouldn't be just a 4 year thing because they are planning on having at least 3 children. She is doing her residency for becoming a doctor, so maternity time is limited if she doesn't want to go back and redo some elements of that.
I have no idea what to do. I know that the nanny job would pay really well, but then if I want to be a teacher after than I will be that much older. The teaching job won't pay much but then I would have my foot in the door to maybe some other options after a few years. I would really appreciate some feedback or some pointers on how I should decide my next step.
April 15, 2007
The Tenth Circle
April 14, 2007
NHL Playoffs 2007

In this series I think that Tampa will win 4-3 , New Jersey will make it hard for them though

In this series I will have to go with Detroit to win 4-2 mainly because Calgary had a weak last few games of the regular season

This one I definetly think that Vancouver will take it and it will be a quick one 4-1 over Dallas

This series will be a long one but I think that San Jose will overpower Nasville and win 4-3
April 6, 2007
Tagged by Cheryl
A - Available or Single: Single
B - Best Friends: Laurie, Cheyanne, Jen
C - Cake or Pie: ice cream cake
D - Drink of Choice: strawberry daiquiri
E - Essential Item: my car
F - Favourite Colour: red/orange
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: gummi bears
H - Hometown: Ottawa
I - Indulgence: shopping/chocolate
J - January or February: February
K - Kids: work with them maybe one day will have my own
L - Life is incomplete without: hockey (Go Leafs Go!)
M - Marriage Date: not married.... yet
N - Number of Siblings: 3 - 2 sisters, 1 brother
O - Oranges or Apples: clementines (do they count?)
P - Phobias/Fears: spiders
Q - Favourite Quote: I'll get back to you
R - Reasons to smile: kids/sunshine
S - Season: Autumn especially in Ottawa
T - Tag 3 People: whoever wants to
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I make bad coffee
V - Vegetable You Hate: Squash
W - Worst Habit: nail biting
X - X-rays You've Had: teeth and my knee
Y - Your Favourite Foods: chicken and steamed veggies
Z - Zodiac: Leo
Ultimate Update
Yesterday my team won their first game with a score of 11-10. Hey we'll take it a win is a win. Plus I played my best game yet which made me feel really good. I stopped the other team a few times by blocking the frisbee from getting to them (although I hurt my thumb one time from doing that). I even caught the frisbee once in the end zone, unfortunately it didn't count towards a point because the guy who threw it wasn't half way yet so we had to give up the frisbee to the other team. I am having a lot of fun with this new sport, and I signed up for a summer league although it is a female team and it will be played outside but we are going to be getting together a few times before the league starts to go over some drills. I am quite excited about it and I hope that I can play with some of these people again.
April 4, 2007
Blades of Glory
I went to see this movie last week. I recommend it but only if you are there for a good time and not for some serious drama. It is a classic Will Ferrell movie. I did laugh at lot.