November 5, 2006

Fun Times

I woke up this morning and saw that it had snowed last night and was still snowing at the moment. It is so nice and peaceful watching the snow fall especially since I didn't have to go out in the car anywhere. Although I did drop my car off at the garage to get snow tires on Friday so I am all set for the winter season and I will feel safer driving the kids around through the sometimes unplowed roads. We'll have to see how this winter is maybe we won't get as much as last season.

Friday Choo Choo had the day off of school so I decided to take her to the Museum of Civilization. They have a great children's museum there where the kids can actually touch and play with things from around the world. She mainly wanted to see the Totem Poles. They are soooo tall and she liked looking up high seeing the tall bird look down on her. After having some lunch we got tickets to see Deep Sea in the IMAX theatre. Kate Winslet and Johnny Depp were the narrators. We got to see what happens under the sea, there were sea urchins, coral reefs, shrimp, sea turtles, sharks, starfish, octopus, squid, jellyfish, and other creatures I don't know what they are called. She really liked it. She was a bit startled at times as I was but not enough to sit in my lap. Her dad has a great saltwater tank at home (the one that seems to always cause a flood) with a few of the creatures we saw on the screen. My favourite part was watching the sea turtles go to a cleaning station where yellow and black tangs swam close to them eating the stuff off of their shells (giving them a bath). If you have never seen an IMAX film I highly recommend it. They make you feel like you are actually there in the scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, it sounds like your a fun nanny! The kids must absolutely love you!