March 31, 2007

Running Running Running

Now that it is Spring, the weather is nicer, the birds are singing and the sun shines so much more. Plus, I have signed up at the Running Room and joined a 10km clinic which should help me learn to run the right way and finish (hopefully with a better time) in the Nordion Race weekend. I did the race last year and was able to finish in under an hour. I started last Saturday and was given a schedule of which days to run and how much on those certain days. So far I have followed it to a tee but I can't say I will for the whole 2 months that are left. I run with the Running Room on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays plus a few days on my own which I have been doing on the treadmill when Choo Choo sleeps in the afternoon.
In a few weeks we will be doing some hill training (not so fun). The nice part about the Running Room is that there are always lots of people there that motivate and keep you going, and they have different routes each time we go so we don't get bored looking at the same houses over and over again. I could even just stop by the store at anytime and ask for a map to go out on my own. They know to look out for us if we don't return the map in a long while and watch out for us too. So if you are around the Ottawa area at the end of May you should come out and cheer me on and the other runners too.

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