February 2, 2008


I finally saw Juno! It was such a good film starring Ellen Page who played Juno MacGuff, a 16 year old pregnant girl looking for a perfect family for her baby. Michael Cera played Paulie Bleeker, the father of the baby. Jennifer Gardner and Jason Bateman played Vanessa and Mark Loring, the supposed perfect family.

The film is about how Juno and Paulie ended up getting pregnant and the decisions that Juno had to encounter after learning of her new status. She took things well and dealt with them very maturely for a girl of her age. Her humour added flavour to the movie and kept people watching. I definetly recommend you seeing it if you haven't already since it has been out in theatres for over a month now.


gnarly nanny said...

STILL have not seen this. i haven't talked to one person who saw it and didn't like it. i have the soundtrack and i'm in love with it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I really liked that film and I'm glad the writer won an Academy Award for it.