May 18, 2008

The Countdown Is On

I have been training for the past 4 months for the Half Marathon race. I do have a certain time I have been working towards and am hoping that everything will go as planned. I have run through snow, rain and sun. I have done my hills work starting at 3 and going up to 9 hills over the weeks. I have done my 3 nights of speed work. I have run the race route 2 times the past few weeks so now all I seem to have left is to actually run the race.

I have had a great group of people to run with and we plan to start off the race together, but then it is everyone to themselves. Some of these people are running this for the first time and others are trying to cut their time a bit. All I know is that crossing that finish line is going to be the best feeling. I will have lots of people out there cheering me on and helping me get to that line. My Grandmother will be coming in from Cornwall, my 2 sisters and my mom (I guess I will have to get lots of whacking sticks). So far the weather is looking pretty good and hopefully it will stay that way.

It is suggested that you have another goal lined up for after the race so you have motivation to keep going, so I am trying to decide between 2 races both are in Toronto but one is along the waterfront and the other is through the streets of Toronto. Oh, and it is a MARATHON!

Wish me luck.

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