October 23, 2008

We Are All The Same

I have just finished this book by Jim Wooten and it was definitely an eye opener as to how life is so different in other parts of the world. It is about a young boy, Nkosi, who came to this world infected with AIDS. He is from a place in South Africa which was known as Zululand, his mother had the HIV virus and when she was impregnated passed the disease to him. He was only supposed to live a few years but because of all the love given that was given to him he became a role model to others living with this disease.

This book also talks about the history of South Africa and how the government helped or rather didn't help this boy or the other millions of infected people, but rather ignored the issue. It really touched me and made me truly thankful that I am living in a place with such freedom, love and help. I do hope that there will be a lot more positive changes for the people in Africa and that the government understands the full meaning of it all.

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