January 22, 2009

Reading "The Reader"

So it has been just over a week and I have finished yet another book, The Reader by Bernhard Schlink. Quite amazing for me, but I wanted to finish it sooner than later in case I liked it and wanted to see the movie. I found it to be interesting, yet depressing about a young boy who began a relationship with an older woman and read to her many books until one day she disappeared. He later (years later) ran into her when she was on trial for a very serious crime. I will leave it at that so I don't give too much of it away. I am not sure about seeing the movie I may wait until it comes on DVD, but Kate Winslet did win a Golden Globe for her part in it.

On another note, my Marathon clinic started on Tuesday night and so far so good. I know, I know I haven't gotten to the hard parts yet but I feel pretty good about this one and I am sure no matter what happens it will help me on my road to getting to Boston. We learned that over the course of the clinic we would have run the equivalency of running from here (Ottawa) to Toronto AND back. That is before running the actual race! So I still have a lot to do since at this point I have only run 22km.

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