October 13, 2006


Well today is the scary Friday the Thirteenth, and for you all today I have done some research on some of the different superstitions out there. Some of them will be familiar and some may be new for you, as they were for me. I will start with some of the so called "bad luck" ones. Let me know if you've heard of some of these and if you know of any other ones too.

1. Friday the 13th is a bad day because apparently

  • Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden on a Friday
  • Noah's big flood started on a Friday
  • Christ was crucified on a Friday
  • 12 witches and 1 devil are usually present a Satanic ceremonies therefore Friday and 13 is a deadly combo.

2. You should never walk under a ladder because ladders make a triangle shape which is like the symbol of the Holy Trinity and walking through the Holy Trinity or a triangle is bad luck and you may be considered doing work with the devil.

3. "God Bless You" congratulates people who sneeze and expels evil from their bodies.

4. Don't spill salt because salt was precious and expensive in the middle ages. If it was spilled then you were to throw it over your left shoulder to get the evil spirits in the eye.

5. "Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home" it is considered bad luck to kill a ladybug because they represent the Virgin Mary.

6. Breaking mirrors gives you seven years bad luck.

7. Cover your mouth when you yawn because some evil spirits could enter through your mouth.

8. "Knock on Wood" it keeps the evil spirits that live in the wood from coming out to spoil your good fortune.

Now for some more pleasant/fun ones:

  • If your nose itches it means that someone is thinking about you.
  • If your left ear rings it means that someone is saying good things about you.
  • If your right ear rings it means that someone is saying bad things about you.
  • If your left hand itches it means that you are going to be rich.
  • If your right hand itches it means that you are going to be poor.

Well I hope the evil spirits didn't find you on this Friday.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know about #1 but I always thought the one about the ladder was because someone on the top of the ladder could drop something and if you were under it, it would land on you.

Anonymous said...

Well, your nose should be itching right about now and I hope that your left hand is very itchy!

Laura said...

I don't know... I avoid ladders, I stay away from black cats, I refuse to pick up a mirror and I STILL have all the bad luck in the world!!!
(Hey you're due for a post!)