It has been quite a while since my last little update on here. So I do have a few things to share with you.
- I finally saw The Dark Knight, now there was a lot hype before this movie
came out into theatres and I wasn't really sure if I wanted to see it or not. It seemed like a lot of people were going to see it just because it was Heath Ledger's final film and I didn't want that to be the reason for me to go see it. I did see it and the movie was quite good, definitely not a movie for the kids. My only problem seeing it was the other people around me who talked during it and had quite a loud laugh, but other than that I would recommend you to see it.
- I also saw Mamma Mia, also a good movie and also some
annoying people sitting beside me. They decided to explain the movie to each other and talked through the whole movie. Not fun. The movie was almost exactly the same as the Broadway one, I wasn't sure about Meryl Streep playing the part of Donna but I was surprised with how well she did. Pierce Brosnan however, could have used a few more singing lessons but that is just between you and me.
- August 3rd Ottawa held the Red Bull Flugtag competition. I went downtown to see the different "aircrafts" there were so many people and so little space to sit and watch, some people seemed to have paced the Alexandra Bridge to see it better but there was no stopping on the bridge. We stayed for 19 of the 32 competitors as it was a very humid day and we were afraid of getting too burnt. One of the ones we saw was the ultimate winner. Yeah!
- August 8th was the start of the Beijing Olympic Games and because I am lucky enough to have a job where the little one actually naps in the morning and the afternoon I was able to see most of the opening ceremony and Canada enter into the Bird's Nest. My favourite parts of the opening ceremony was the many more hands, many more fingers, many more drummers drumming on drums (taken from a Dr. Seuss book), and the men painting on the big scroll of paper.
- I am moving to a smaller apartment and have about 3 weeks now to get this place in moving order. I have come to realize that I have too much stuff and so Value Village will be seeing me a lot in the next few weeks. Painting things back to white and packing boxes are also not some of my favourite pastimes but these things all have to be done. Luckily we have a group of people willing to help out at the end of the month and I am much appreciated to you all.
- Finally it is another 48 days until my 1st marathon (42km) in Toronto. I have been working hard and I am just hoping to finish the race I have no set time to finish in but I will build on it for my next marathon, whenever that will be.
this is one of the few plays i've actually seen, which ended up being great... it's funny to think of ol' Pierce taking a stab at singing, yeeesh
Happy Birthday, Stephanie! I hope that you are off having a fabulous time, celebrating with friends. :)
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