March 2, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic

I just finished reading this book. It was a nice light read nothing overly exciting but an easy read. It is about a woman (Rebecca Bloomwood) who works at a financial magazine, yet has a hard time keeping her own finances under control. Basically, she just loves to shop too much.

I know that the movie is out in theatres now but I don't think I will be one of those going to see it.

My next big book is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, it is about 817 pages so I am not exactly sure how long it will take to finish. I figured that if I can read this book I can possibly read anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that this book was a bestseller. I didn't see the movie in the theatre, either. It's unfortunate that the movie opened up during this economic downswing. If it had been released a year or so ago, it probably would have done better. Ah well...

Good luck with Anna Karenina. I haven't read it yet but it's one of those books that certainly qualifies on a Must Read Before I Die list. :)