January 13, 2008

A New Year

I haven't written in a while so I thought now would be a good time. I've been back at work for a week now after having a good two weeks off over the holidays. The week started off really well, I heard lots of interesting stories about what the kids did over their holidays and surprisingly the baby missed me.....or so it seemed.

She is now 7 months old and is more attentive, I can actually play with her now and she responds to what I do. She likes to knock over my towers repeatedly :( She is not quite crawling yet but can sit well on her own. She has started eating more varieties of foods which is not always nice for me, her favourite right now is sweet potato. I have also begun taking her to some playgroups (well one so far), she really liked watching other kids play and move around. Hopefully she will start to move around more herself because she is starting to get heavy.

The other 2 kids went up to Montebello Quebec after New Years for a few days with another family and had a good time.....well mostly good. Poor little Choo Choo ended up getting an ear infection the day before they went and had to go on antibiotics. They have had many experiences with ear infections and ear tubes that they still had all the ear plugs so she was able to swim still. They also tried out cross-country skiing and I think it is now Nugley's favourite thing to do as that was all he really talked about. Then I had to try and get them back on their routine after picking them up from school, hopefully next week will be better. Choo Choo ended up getting hives, a reaction from the antibiotics so she was itching all day at school and the next day too thankfully they went away pretty quickly. She was very brave.

Choo Choo on her new horse from Santa

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