April 29, 2007

How Sweet It Is

You know that the summertime is on it's way when all you smell during the week is everyone's BBQ cooking hamburgers and steaks. I run Wednesday nights and this is all I can smell it doesn't help me with my running but it sure is mmmmm yummy. I walked up to the grocery store today and saw that there was a sale for corn on the cob, another of my summer favourites. So I picked some up for dinner tonight and I was so happy to have summer again. I look forward to all the special treats this season will bring and I hope to enjoy them as much as I can. What kind of summer treats are your favourites?


-A said...

Watermelon! I could eat watermelon all summer and be completely happy... And Canadian corn on the cob. There is a difference - albeit a small one!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to raspberry and blackberry season!!!!