September 30, 2007

Still Running...

Since May I have run in a few races. A 10k in May for the Ottawa Hospital, a 10k on Canada Day for Canadian Olympic Athletes, and a 5k that was part of a triathlon/duathlon. So I guess it is now time for me to pick it up a little and set a new goal for me. I signed up a while ago for a half marathon (21km) race hoping that I would train hard and perform well. However I got busy, distracted, whatever you want to call it, so I am not ready for this race but I am still planning to run, very very slowly if I have to. I don't want to injure myself so I can't run later. This race is taking place on October 7, that's right Thanksgiving. It is being held at the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum, a little town just east of Ottawa, and they are raising money for the Ottawa Food Bank. At this time of the year our leaves are all changing colours so it only fits that this race be called the Fall Colours Marathon.

Today I ran with a group from the running room, they wanted to run about 16km today but since they knew I was running in the race (they aren't) I ran a little less and met them back at the store after. they were a lot of fun to run with and it easier than running on my own. In a few weeks I am joining the running room half marathon clinic, so I will learn more about the right and wrong things to do while running this distance. I think I will still run with this other group when I see them though.

Anyway wish me luck with this new challenge. For this first race my goal time is anything under 3 hours. Not a big goal but that's all I can do right now. Oh and if you have any suggestions for good running music let me know. I already have a few dance cds with a good beat to them.

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